As a human rights organization, the Committee of the Families of the Detained and Disappeared in Honduras, COFADEH, respectful of the truth and a promoter of justice, informs the world of the following:

On November 26, the people of Honduras transformed the general elections for public office into a Plebiscite that said NO to re-election, continusim, the coup de’ tat and corruption This collective voice must be respected.

In the next few hours, the only actor responsible for any disturbance of the public order is the cartel of organized crime forcing a negotiation of impunity with the irrefutable winners of Sunday’s plebiscite, because they need a pardon in the future.

Those indirectly responsible will be the governments and multilateral organizations that recognize any imposter government that proclaims triumph based on adulterated data, and the Armed Forces, churches and media that endorse this tragedy that the spurious Electoral Tribunal is attempting to legalize.

We call on the international community to demand the demilitarization of the streets of Honduras, a ridiculous spectacle of brute force that only confirms the partiality of those who supported the 2009 coup de’ tat with the  losers of 2017, and to permit freedom of expression for the people of Honduras without repression, fear or violence.

As members of the Citizens Convergence against Re-election and Fraud, we call its national leadership to urgently convene, this very Wednesday, in order to define the actions to be taken in the critical hours of this national context.

This is not about an electoral duel between urban and rural Honduras, impoverished by the criminals and corrupt, it is about an assault on the will of the people of Honduras expressed in the PINU, LIBRE and Liberal Party, and has said no to the construction of a dictatorship of terror on the part of criminals and the murderers of the 80’s converted into members of Congress.

Of the acts and the actors, on the eve of our 35th anniversary:
!!!ni olvido ni perdón!!!